Katie tells Brooke that he going to Paris isn't going to solve anything. Bridget tells Nick that she's worried about Jackie and her not being back together with Owen. Owen tells Jackie not to question his love for her and wants to work through they're problems and also come home, but Jackie says she came here to end their marriage. Katie tells Brooke that the thing that can make Beth happy is to see Ridge and her together. Ridge tells Thorne that everyone's here and that this just had to work. Stephanie is glad that Thorne could make it to help celebrate Brooke moving to Paris. Ridge makes a grand gesture to the women he loves. Jackie and Owen's problems cause them to make a major decision, she then goes into his arms and says she can't live on without him either. Katie tells Brooke to look out her window and she sees the giant heart on the sand at Point Dune, Katie says this is the sign that she's been waiting for and that it's up to her. Stephanie is glad cause at this moment the plane is in the air right about now. Ridge thinks he lost Brooke but then he sees her pull up on the beach and they have a reunion and says he's never letting go again.
Кеті говорить Брук,що між нею та Ріджем може бути 10 океанів - це не змінить їх кохання.Стефані пропонує Торну відсвяткувати від'їзд Брук.Рідж готує на пляжі сюрприз.Кеті пропонує поглянути Брук у вікно-Брук бачить величезне серце з піску на пляжі та їх з Ріджем імена,таке ж,яке було на їх весіллі у січні.Рідж гадає,що втратив Брук назавжди та раптом приїзджає машина та з неї виходить Брук-примирення відбулось.