Всього матеріалів в каталозі: 26 Показано матеріалів: 1-25 |
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Rocco takes Katie out and they share an evening together. Katie is
surprised that her acne doesn't bother him. Katie is on cloud nine as
she returns home. Stephanie walks in on Margo and Eric working together
on Caroline's wedding dress. Stephanie accuses them of having an
affair. Eric tells Stephanie that she is paranoid and denies any
involvement with Margo. Stephanie informs Eric that she called Kristen
in New York and she won't be coming to the wedding, nor will Felicia as
she called London but Felicia is in Switzerland skiing. Eric is angry
and blames Stephanie for them not coming home. Caroline later asks Eric
to call Kristen as she would like her to be her maid of honor. Eric
manages to convince Kristen to come. Stephanie is furious that Eric
doesn't understand her issues with their daughters.
Brooke tells Beth about Dave's proposal. Beth asks Brooke on what she
really wants, but Brooke is unsure. Beth wonders if Brooke should
really just concentrate on her studies. Dave later comes by and Brooke
comes across Ridge and Caroline's wedding annoucement in the newspaper.
Brooke tells Dave how the Forrester family have the kind of life that
she dreams of. Margo thinks about Ridge and then decides that she has
to tell him what's on her mind. Margo asks Ridge not to marry Caroline.
Margo says that Caroline doesn't deserve to go through the same pain
that she herself did. Bill notices how excited Caroline is about her
wedding. He reminds Caroline of her promise that she made to her
mother, Marion, before her death. Caroline assures Bill that Ridge
respects her choices to remain a virgin until she is married.
Donna spends her day studying in the library. Another student named
Rocco Carner joins her and begins to flirt. He asks her out on a date,
but she asks him if he would take out her sister Katie instead due to
her poor opinion on herself. Katie is thrilled when Rocco later calls
her and asks her to see a movie with him. Margo drifts off with
memories of when she and Ridge were once an item. Margo wonders if such
a playboy is ready to settle down. Eric is pleased with himself as he
designs Caroline's wedding dress for her. Thorne wonders if Ridge is
capable of making Caroline happy and hopes Ridge won't break her heart. |
Ерік та Стефані приходять до Біла обговорити весілля.Стефані зауважує,що Біл не надто задоволений з цього приводу.Стефані пропонує провести весілля в їх домі.Біл зустрічається з приватним детективом,щоб знайти компромат на Ріджа.Брук не знає,що відповіти на пропозицію Дейва одружитись.Вона каже йому,що подумає.Сторн розлючений,коли дізнався,що Дейв хотів зробити Брук приманкою для злочинців. (Eric and Stephanie meet with Bill to arrange plans for Ridge and
Caroline's wedding ceremony. Stephanie notices that Bill isn't pleased
with the plans. Stephanie suggests having the ceremony at her house and
throws herself into preparations to avoid Eric's questions about their
own marriage. Stephanie cringes when Eric suggests inviting their
daughters Kristen and Felicia. Bill later meets with a private
detective named Conway Weston and hires him to dig up dirt on Ridge.
Bill also attempts to get information out of Margo, but she doesn't
take the bait. Brooke doesn't know what to say when Dave proposes to
her, she simply says that she'll think about it. Storm is angry when he
learns of Dave's suggestion that Brooke play decoy in order to catch
her attackers and lays into Dave.) |
Брук зустрічається з Дейвом і він розповідає їй про свій план впіймання злочинців-Брук має бути приманкою та прийти на те ж саме місце.Вона з жахом відмовляється.Рідж говорить Торну про своє одруження та погорзи Біла.Торн говорить Ріджу,що той одружується на Керолайн тільки,щоб затягти Керолайн в ліжко та розізлити Біла. ( Eric and Margo work on some designs and he informs her of Ridge's plans to marry Caroline. Margo guesses that Bill must be furious. Brooke meets with Dave and he puts across his idea of how to catch her attackers. Dave suggests that Brooke go back to the scene of what happened and use herself as a decoy to lure them back. Brooke is horrified and refuses to do it. Ridge talks with Thorne about his plans to marry Caroline. Ridge laughs about Bill's threats and Thorne isn't impressed. Thorne accuses Ridge of only proposing to get Caroline into bed and also to get at Bill. Thorne adds that Caroline only wants to go against her father's wishes and he believes that's the only reason why she accepted.) |
Рідж та Керолай їдуть до Білла проінформувати його щодо своїх планів.Керолайн нагадує Ріджу,що вона відмовляється займатись з ним коханням до шлюбу.Біл шокований новиною про шлюб.Логани готують вечерю і Брук розповідає матері,що трапилось (
Bill is busy telling Margo that Ridge will stay away from Caroline following his warning, as Ridge and Caroline drive over to inform Bill of their wedding plans. Caroline reminds Ridge that she still doesn't want to make love until after the ceremony. Bill is shocked and blows his top when Caroline and Ridge reveal the news. Thorne comes home to the Forrester estate and learns from Stephanie about Ridge's plans to marry Caroline. Thorne is surprised as Ridge never stays with a woman long enough to make any kind of commitment, let alone marriage. Brooke, Katie and Storm's mother Beth prepares dinner with their other sibling Donna as Brooke comes in. Donna and Beth are shocked by Brooke's bruises and grill her for answers. When they refuse to let up, Brooke ends up yelling that she was almost rape) |
Біл прийшов до Марго та розповів їй про те,що він сказав Ріджу триматись подалі від Керолайн.Марго скалала йому,що це тільки наблизить Ріджа до Керолайн.Ерік прийшов додому та запитує свою дружину Стефані,чому вона не була на показі та говорить,що в їх шлюбі веоикі проблеми.Вона відмовляється говорити на цю тему.Рідж приходить додому з Керолайн та говорить батьками,що вони заручились і весілля відбудеться за два тижні.Дейв показує Брук фото деяких злочинців,щоб вона їх впізнала,проте ні один не схожий на її нападників.
(Bills vents his anger about Ridge to Margo. Bill informs her of his threat for Ridge to stay away from Caroline. Margo feels that it will only cause Caroline to want Ridge more. Eric arrives home to his wife Stephanie. He shows his annoyance about her absence at the fashion show. Eric wonders if there is serious problems within their marriage but Stephanie refuses to discuss it. Ridge comes home with Caroline and he informs his parents that he and Caroline are engaged. Ridge announces that the wedding will take place in two weeks time. Dave takes Brooke down to the police station to review head shots in order to identify her attackers but Brooke doesn't have much luck in doing so. Brooke's elder brother Storm begins questioning her when she returns home about her torn blouse. Brooke tries to remain quiet to keep the peace, but Dave tells him everything.) |
Серіал починається з показу нової колекції Форестерів.Рідж відвідує Білла Спенсера,який жадає,щоб він розірвав стосунки з його донькою Керолайн,інакше він підтвердить репутацію плей-боя.Розлючений Рідж іде до Керолай та пропонвє їй одружитись.Брук прибігає додому заплакана та в синцях,але не говорить чому.Пізніше вона розповідає своєму другу-офіцеру поліції,що її намагались згвалтувати група чоловіків
(The series opens upon the unveiling of a new Forrester clothing collection. Ridge believes that the line does not have enough sex appeal. He is visited by Bill Spencer, who warns him to break up with Caroline or he will expose Ridge's playboy reputation. Angry over Bill's visit, Ridge proposes to Caroline and she accepts. As Katie worries about her acne, Brooke comes home crying, but won't say why. She later tells police officer and friend, Dave, that a group of men tried to rape her. They leave for the police station to look at mugshots.) |
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