We do about eight shows a week, shooting four days out of the week. We double up, so we do two shows a day. We really have to be prepared, they try to make us do it in one take and get through the day because we have so much to accomplish. Then every three weeks we have one week off, so we have a lot of time off.
What other passions and interests have been keeping you busy?
This year I am a spokes person for Amgen Breakaway From Cancer. I like to work with different charities and so that’s what I’m focusing on this year and it’s going to take up some time and dedication. The kaftans and training take up a lot of time too, because you’re not just training for one sport, you’re training for three sports. And then the time that you have to put in for the mileage — you’re out there on a bike for five hours a day on a weekend. I can do that now because my kids are older, I couldn’t have done that if they were young but most of them are out the house so I have more
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У форумі Кетрін Келлі Ленг додано уривок з серіалу "Магнум-приватний детектив" 7 сезон,19 епізод за її участю Magnum P.I S-7 E-19 Магнум-7,серія 19 Дивитись:
HopeNewest cast member, Kimberly Matula (Hope) discusses her first day at work, taking over a role and her love for bookstores.
CBS.com: So I'm curious off the bat - do you go by Kimberly, Kim, Kimmy? KIMBERLY MATULA: [Laughs]
Kimmy -- that brings back so many middle school memories. I go by Kim;
most of my friends just call me Kim. It's weird, in I think third grade
someone started calling me Kimmy and I got stuck with Kimmy all through
high school and I tried to shake it and I couldn't. Kim, I guess, is
what I try to go by, unless I'm in trouble, then, it’s Kimberly Marie.
CBS.com: Is that from your parents? KIMBERLY MATULA: Oh yes. [Laughs]
CBS.com: Tell me about your first day on the set? KIMBERLY MATULA: I
was so nervous yet so excited that I was final
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Серіал "Зухвалі та вродливі" переміг на щорічній церемонії вручення нагород в галузі телебачення "Еммі" в номінації "Найкращий драматичний серіал".Вперше за 22 роки свого існування
Найкращі експерти в жанрі телебачення прогнозують "Зухвалим та вродливим" перемогу в номінації "найкращий драматичний сеіал" на щорічній церемонії "Еммі",яка відбудеться 30 серпня.Вперше за 22 роки трансляції серіалу.